Jumat, 11 Februari 2011

formula bayi

Formula Bayi Kontaminasi
Enterobacter sakazakii
Jangan meremehkan masalah rumus pengenceran. Itu bukan lelucon karena data yang dapat digunakan sebagai ilustrasi di Afrika, 30% bayi meninggal sebelum usia satu tahun karena susu dengan air tidak bersih dan pengenceran cara yang salah. Cairan yang tidak benar tidak hanya membuat anak Anda sakit atau kurang gizi, tetapi juga menyebabkan komplikasi lain. Itulah mengapa, komposisi air dan susu dengan dosis yang tepat diperlukan.
Salah satu kontaminan yang harus ditangani dengan sangat serius, adalah kontaminasi susu oleh bakteri. Hal ini konsisten dengan berbagai berita akhir-akhir ini menjadi perbincangan hangat di masyarakat. Komunitas kerusuhan dimulai dengan pemberitaan tim peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa IPB adalah susu formula 23% mengandung Enterobacter sakazakii

Bakteri memiliki potensi untuk menyebabkan peradangan pada saluran pencernaan (enteritis), infeksi peredaran darah (sepsis), serta infeksi lapisan saraf tulang belakang dan otak (meningitis).
Menanggapi temuan ini, kami sarankan bahwa Anda tidak harus bertindak gegabah. Aksi waspada, lebih selektif dalam memilih produk susu, penuh sikap kehati-hatian juga diperlukan dalam mempersiapkan dan memberikan susu formula untuk bayi Anda.
Berbeda dengan ASI yang mengandung zat antibakteri, susu formula tidak bakteriostatis (tahan pengembangan dan reproduksi bakteri) sehingga mudah menjadi tempat berkembang biak bakteri. Kondisi tubuh bayi baru lahir, bahkan lebih yang lahir prematur - sangat rentan terhadap bakteri. Sebenarnya, selain E. sakazakii, ada yang lain, lebih banyak jenis bakteri harus waspada, yaitu E. coli dan Salmonella. Dalam Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) 01-2970-1999, sebagai indikator sanitasi masih termasuk coliform bakteri E. coli, tidak Entereobacteriaceae. Sementara Komite Food Hygiene (CCFH) merekomendasikan jumlah sampel untuk pengujian E. sakazakii untuk industri ini tidak sebanyak jumlah sampel untuk pengujian Salmonella. Hal ini menunjukkan, bahwa meskipun E. sakazakii dianggap berbahaya dan harus berhati-hati dalam formula, tapi risikonya tidak Salmonella.
Proses kontaminasi bakteri dalam susu formula bisa berasal dari ketika susu dari sapi diperah. lika proses pemerahan tidak higienis akan memungkinkan perkembangan bakteri. Tetapi dengan kemajuan teknologi dan pengetahuan tentang proses pemerahan, dapat meminimalkan kemungkinan kontaminasi bakteri. Misalnya, dengan menggunakan mesin pemerah susu, sehingga mengurangi risiko susu terkontaminasi dari udara luar.

Proses kontaminasi mikroorganisme juga dapat terjadi selama penyimpanan dan selama pengolahan. Pengolahan garis bawah formula bayi harus selalu dijaga dan tetap steril, mulai dari proses pemerahan sampai saat ini diproses di pabrik. Melihat pengolahan susu sekarang sangat canggih dan dapat dijamin kualitas sehingga kontaminasi bakteri dinyatakan nihil
Selain kontaminasi mikroorganisme, SNI juga menetapkan persyaratan untuk jenis kontaminan logam seperti tembaga, timbal, seng, timah, merkuri, dan arsen. Mengingat persyaratan ini, produsen susu formula bayi harus menyediakan jaminan yang sesuai dengan yang telah ditentukan. Obat dan Makanan Badan Pengawas (BPOM) biasanya melakukan pengawasan secara periodik berbagai produk di pasar, bukan hanya rumus, tapi jenis makanan lain.
Tapi itu harus menyadari, tidak ada makanan yang risiko nol (tanpa resiko sama sekali), tetapi manajemen yang baik akan menghasilkan makanan dengan resiko yang sangat rendah. Konsumen modern sudah harus membuka cakrawala pengetahuan informasi keamanan pangan sehingga mereka dapat memposisikan diri dengan tepat terhadap isu-isu yang berkembang untuk menjamin kesehatan diri dan keluarga


Penyakit darah tinggi atau Hipertensi (Hypertension) adalah suatu keadaan di mana seseorang mengalami peningkatan tekanan darah di atas normal yang ditunjukkan oleh angka systolic (bagian atas) dan angka bawah (diastolic) pada pemeriksaan tensi darah menggunakan alat pengukur tekanan darah baik yang berupa cuff air raksa (sphygmomanometer) ataupun alat digital lainnya.

Nilai normal tekanan darah seseorang dengan ukuran tinggi badan, berat badan, tingkat aktifitas normal dan kesehatan secara umum adalah 120/80 mmHG. Dalam aktivitas sehari-hari, tekanan darah normalnya adalah dengan nilai angka kisaran stabil. Tetapi secara umum, angka pemeriksaan tekanan darah menurun saat tidur dan meningkat diwaktu beraktifitas atau berolahraga.

Bila seseorang mengalami tekanan darah tinggi dan tidak mendapatkan pengobatan dan pengontrolan secara teratur (rutin), maka hal ini dapat membawa si penderita kedalam kasus-kasus serius bahkan bisa menyebabkan kematian. Tekanan darah tinggi yang terus menerus menyebabkan jantung seseorang bekerja extra keras, akhirnya kondisi ini berakibat terjadinya kerusakan pada pembuluh darah jantung, ginjal, otak dan mata. Penyakit hypertensi ini merupakan penyebab umum terjadinya stroke dan serangan jantung (Heart attack).

Penyakit darah tinggi atau Hipertensi dikenal dengan 2 type klasifikasi, diantaranya Hipertensi Primary dan Hipertensi Secondary :
• Hipertensi PrimaryHipertensi Primary adalah suatu kondisi dimana terjadinya tekanan darah tinggi sebagai akibat dampak dari gaya hidup seseorang dan faktor lingkungan. Seseorang yang pola makannya tidak terkontrol dan mengakibatkan kelebihan berat badan atau bahkan obesitas, merupakan pencetus awal untuk terkena penyakit tekanan darah tinggi. Begitu pula sesorang yang berada dalam lingkungan atau kondisi stressor tinggi sangat mungkin terkena penyakit tekanan darah tinggi, termasuk orang-orang yang kurang olahraga pun bisa mengalami tekanan darah tinggi.

• Hipertensi SecondaryHipertensi secondary adalah suatu kondisi dimana terjadinya peningkatan tekanan darah tinggi sebagai akibat seseorang mengalami/menderita penyakit lainnya seperti gagal jantung, gagal ginjal, atau kerusakan sistem hormon tubuh. Sedangkan pada Ibu hamil, tekanan darah secara umum meningkat saat kehamilan berusia 20 minggu. Terutama pada wanita yang berat badannya di atas normal atau gemuk (gendut).

Pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH), ini adalah sebutan dalam istilah kesehatan (medis) bagi wanita hamil yang menderita hipertensi. Kondisi Hipertensi pada ibu hamil bisa sedang ataupun tergolang parah/berbahaya, Seorang ibu hamil dengan tekanan darah tinggi bisa mengalami Preeclampsia dimasa kehamilannya itu.

Preeclampsia adalah kondisi seorang wanita hamil yang mengalami hipertensi, sehingga merasakan keluhan seperti pusing, sakit kepala, gangguan penglihatan, nyeri perut, muka yang membengkak, kurang nafsu makan, mual bahkan muntah. Apabila terjadi kekejangan sebagai dampak hipertensi maka disebut Eclamsia.

1. Penyebab Hipertensi
Penggunaan obat-obatan seperti golongan kortikosteroid (cortison) dan beberapa obat hormon, termasuk beberapa obat antiradang (anti-inflammasi) secara terus menerus (sering) dapat meningkatkan tekanan darah seseorang. Merokok juga merupakan salah satu faktor penyebab terjadinya peningkatan tekanan darah tinggi dikarenakan tembakau yang berisi nikotin. Minuman yang mengandung alkohol juga termasuk salah satu faktor yang dapat menimbulkan terjadinya tekanan darah tinggi. Stop menjadi alcoholic!

2. Penanganan dan Pengobatan Hipertensi
a. Diet Penyakit Darah Tinggi (Hipertensi)
• Kandungan garam (Sodium/Natrium)
Seseorang yang mengidap penyakit darah tinggi sebaiknya mengontrol diri dalam mengkonsumsi asin-asinan garam, ada beberapa tips yang bisa dilakukan untuk pengontrolan diet sodium/natrium ini ;
- Jangan meletakkan garam diatas meja makan
- Pilih jumlah kandungan sodium rendah saat membeli makan
- Batasi konsumsi daging dan keju
- Hindari cemilan yang asin-asin
- Kurangi pemakaian saos yang umumnya memiliki kandungan sodium
• Kandungan Potasium/Kalium
Suplements potasium 2-4 gram perhari dapat membantu penurunan tekanan darah, Potasium umumnya bayak didapati pada beberapa buah-buahan dan sayuran. Buah dan sayuran yang mengandung potasium dan baik untuk di konsumsi penderita tekanan darah tinggi antara lain semangka, alpukat, melon, buah pare, labu siam, bligo, labu parang/labu, mentimun, lidah buaya, seledri, bawang dan bawang putih. Selain itu, makanan yang mengandung unsur omega-3 sagat dikenal efektif dalam membantu penurunan tekanan darah (hipertensi).

Pengobatan hipertensi biasanya dikombinasikan dengan beberapa obat;
- Diuretic {Tablet Hydrochlorothiazide (HCT), Lasix (Furosemide)}. Merupakan golongan obat hipertensi dengan proses pengeluaran cairan tubuh via urine. Tetapi karena potasium berkemungkinan terbuang dalam cairan urine, maka pengontrolan konsumsi potasium harus dilakukan.

- Beta-blockers {Atenolol (Tenorim), Capoten (Captopril)}. Merupakan obat yang dipakai dalam upaya pengontrolan tekanan darah melalui proses memperlambat kerja jantung dan memperlebar (vasodilatasi) pembuluh darah.

- Calcium channel blockers {Norvasc (amlopidine), Angiotensinconverting enzyme (ACE)}. Merupakan salah satu obat yang biasa dipakai dalam pengontrolan darah tinggi atau Hipertensi melalui proses rileksasi pembuluh darah yang juga memperlebar pembuluh darah.

Jumat, 10 Desember 2010

1. Pyelonephritis is likely to develop due to:
a. Low urine acidity
b. Stagnation of urine in renal pelvis
c. Impaired circulation
d. Poor filtration

2. Surgical procedure that involves removal of stones from kidney pelvis is:
a. Nephrolithtomy
b. Cystolithtomy
c. Urethrolithotomy
d. Pyelolithotomy

3. All of the following are typical symptoms of prosthetic hypertrophy
a. Difficulty in urinating
b. Frequency of urination
c. Frequent voiding at night (nocturia)
d. Increase in the size and force of the urinary strea

4. Which of the following diagnostic tests can detect abnormal breast massed
smaller than 1 cm
a. Ultrasound (sonography)
b. Incision biopsy
c. Mammography
d. None of the above

5. One of the symptoms of diabetes mellitus is:
a. Polydipsia
b. Pale, cool skin
c. Anuria
d. Anorexia

16. A patient on insulin therapy who has missed a meal might develop:
a. Hyperglycemic reaction
b. Ketoacidosis
c. Hypoglycemic reaction
d. Lypodysthophy

17. What type of precaution is applied for a patient suspected to have viral
hepatitis with type not yet determined:
a. Enteric, blood and body fluid precautions
b. Blood precaution only
c. Enteric precaution only
d. Respiratory precaution

8. In caring for a patient with Hepatitis A in the acute stage, the nurse must
ensure that the patient is:
a. Having adequate rest
b. Eating large meals
c. Scratching his skin frequently
d. Ambulating outside his room

9. Common early manifestations of hepatitis include:
a. High grade fever
b. Mild flu-like symptoms
c. Severe skin jaundice
d. Enlarged liver and spleen

10. The objective or corrective surgery for removal detachment is to:
a. Aspirate the vitreous humor
b. Create a drainage for aqueous humor
c. Create a scar that adheres the retine to choroid
d. Enlarged liver and spleen (C)

11. Which of the following actions would the nurse take when she observes that
the breakfast served for a patient scheduled for EEG on the same day
consists of a soft boiled egg, toast with butter and jam, orange juice and
a. Remove all the food
b. Remove the coffee
c. Remove toast, butter and jam
d. Remove the orange juice

12. Which of the following diagnosis test is more specific for a patient admitted
with suspected diagnosis of cancer of the colon:
a. Barium meal
b. Gastric analysis
c. Barium anemia
d. Stools examination

13. Which of the following should the nurse evaluate in addition to vital signs
for a patient who underwent an upper GI endoscopy:
a. The return of gag reflex
b. Bowel sounds
c. Breath sounds
d. Intake and output

14. Which of the following position is considered comfortable for a patient
admitted with congestive heart failure complicated by pulmonary edema:
a. Semi sitting (low fowler’s position)
b. Lying on left side (Sim’s position)
c. Sitting nearly upright (high Fowler’position)
d. Lying on her back with her head lowered (Trendelenburg position)

15. The function of the coronary arteries is for:
a. Pump blood into the hearth
b. Pump blood into the aorta
c. Provide potency of heart valves
d. Provide blood to the myocardium

16. Emphysema is best defined by
a. Pus in the pleural cavity
b. Fluid in the pleural cavity
c. Fluid in the lung
d. Enlargement of air space

17. Which one of the following is the most important cause of chronic
a. Continuous exposure to pollutants
b. Smoking
c. Complicated pneumonia
d. Acute bacterial infection of the bronchitis

18. Which of the MOST important principle in the management of underwater
seal drainage:
a. To keep the bottle at a lower level than the patient’s chest
b. Not to clamp the tube unnecessarily
c. To measure the amount of fluid in the bottle
d. To sedate the patient every 3 hours

19. Mr. X., a 25 years old student is admitted to your ward with a spontaneous
pneumothorax. He is rather breathless and anxious; the doctor arranges to
insert an underwater seal drain. The cause for Mr. X breathlessness is that:
a. There will be pressure on the lung
b. Part of the lung has collapsed
c. He is in a shock condition
d. Fluid will be accumulating in the pleural cavity
20. An immediate post operative goal following modified radical mastectomy is
to prevent lymphedema, this can be achieved by:
a. Restricting fluid intake to 1000 cc
b. Elevating the patient’s affected arm on a pillow
c. Administering diuretics before breakfa (A)

Kamis, 09 Desember 2010

Pyelonephritis is likely to develop due to:
a. Low urine acidity
b. Stagnation of urine in renal pelvis
c. Impaired circulation
d. Poor filtration
62. Surgical procedure that involves removal of stones from kidney pelvis is:
a. Nephrolithtomy
b. Cystolithtomy
c. Urethrolithotomy
d. Pyelolithotomy
63. All of the following are typical symptoms of prosthetic hypertrophy
a. Difficulty in urinating
b. Frequency of urination
c. Frequent voiding at night (nocturia)
d. Increase in the size and force of the urinary stream
64. Which of the following diagnostic tests can detect abnormal breast massed
smaller than 1 cm
a. Ultrasound (sonography)
b. Incision biopsy
c. Mammography
d. None of the above
65. One of the symptoms of diabetes mellitus is:
a. Polydipsia
b. Pale, cool skin
c. Anuria
d. Anorexia
66. A patient on insulin therapy who has missed a meal might develop:
a. Hyperglycemic reaction
b. Ketoacidosis
c. Hypoglycemic reaction
d. Lypodysthophy
67. What type of precaution is applied for a patient suspected to have viral
hepatitis with type not yet determined:
a. Enteric, blood and body fluid precautions
b. Blood precaution only
c. Enteric precaution only
d. Respiratory precaution
68. In caring for a patient with Hepatitis A in the acute stage, the nurse must
ensure that the patient is:
a. Having adequate rest
b. Eating large meals
c. Scratching his skin frequently
d. Ambulating outside his room
69. Common early manifestations of hepatitis include:
a. High grade fever
b. Mild flu-like symptoms
c. Severe skin jaundice
d. Enlarged liver and spleen
70. The objective or corrective surgery for removal detachment is to:
a. Aspirate the vitreous humor
b. Create a drainage for aqueous humor
c. Create a scar that adheres the retine to choroid
d. Enlarged liver and spleen
71. Which of the following actions would the nurse take when she observes that
the breakfast served for a patient scheduled for EEG on the same day
consists of a soft boiled egg, toast with butter and jam, orange juice and
a. Remove all the food
b. Remove the coffee
c. Remove toast, butter and jam
d. Remove the orange juice
72. Which of the following diagnosis test is more specific for a patient admitted
with suspected diagnosis of cancer of the colon:
a. Barium meal
b. Gastric analysis
c. Barium anemia
d. Stools examination
73. Which of the following should the nurse evaluate in addition to vital signs
for a patient who underwent an upper GI endoscopy:
a. The return of gag reflex
b. Bowel sounds
c. Breath sounds
d. Intake and output
74. Which of the following position is considered comfortable for a patient
admitted with congestive heart failure complicated by pulmonary edema:
a. Semi sitting (low fowler’s position)
b. Lying on left side (Sim’s position)
c. Sitting nearly upright (high Fowler’position)
d. Lying on her back with her head lowered (Trendelenburg position)
75. The function of the coronary arteries is for:
a. Pump blood into the hearth
b. Pump blood into the aorta
c. Provide potency of heart valves
d. Provide blood to the myocardium
76. Emphysema is best defined by
a. Pus in the pleural cavity
b. Fluid in the pleural cavity
c. Fluid in the lung
d. Enlargement of air space
77. Which one of the following is the most important cause of chronic
a. Continuous exposure to pollutants
b. Smoking
c. Complicated pneumonia
d. Acute bacterial infection of the bronchitis
78. Which of the MOST important principle in the management of underwater
seal drainage:
a. To keep the bottle at a lower level than the patient’s chest
b. Not to clamp the tube unnecessarily
c. To measure the amount of fluid in the bottle
d. To sedate the patient every 3 hours
79. Mr. X., a 25 years old student is admitted to your ward with a spontaneous
pneumothorax. He is rather breathless and anxious; the doctor arranges to
insert an underwater seal drain. The cause for Mr. X breathlessness is that:
a. There will be pressure on the lung
b. Part of the lung has collapsed
c. He is in a shock condition
d. Fluid will be accumulating in the pleural cavity
80. An immediate post operative goal following modified radical mastectomy is
to prevent lymphedema, this can be achieved by:
a. Restricting fluid intake to 1000 cc
b. Elevating the patient’s affected arm on a pillow
c. Administering diuretics before breakfast
Pyelonephritis is likely to develop due to:
a. Low urine acidity
b. Stagnation of urine in renal pelvis
c. Impaired circulation
d. Poor filtration
62. Surgical procedure that involves removal of stones from kidney pelvis is:
a. Nephrolithtomy
b. Cystolithtomy
c. Urethrolithotomy
d. Pyelolithotomy
63. All of the following are typical symptoms of prosthetic hypertrophy
a. Difficulty in urinating
b. Frequency of urination
c. Frequent voiding at night (nocturia)
d. Increase in the size and force of the urinary stream
64. Which of the following diagnostic tests can detect abnormal breast massed
smaller than 1 cm
a. Ultrasound (sonography)
b. Incision biopsy
c. Mammography
d. None of the above
65. One of the symptoms of diabetes mellitus is:
a. Polydipsia
b. Pale, cool skin
c. Anuria
d. Anorexia
66. A patient on insulin therapy who has missed a meal might develop:
a. Hyperglycemic reaction
b. Ketoacidosis
c. Hypoglycemic reaction
d. Lypodysthophy
67. What type of precaution is applied for a patient suspected to have viral
hepatitis with type not yet determined:
a. Enteric, blood and body fluid precautions
b. Blood precaution only
c. Enteric precaution only
d. Respiratory precaution
68. In caring for a patient with Hepatitis A in the acute stage, the nurse must
ensure that the patient is:
a. Having adequate rest
b. Eating large meals
c. Scratching his skin frequently
d. Ambulating outside his room
69. Common early manifestations of hepatitis include:
a. High grade fever
b. Mild flu-like symptoms
c. Severe skin jaundice
d. Enlarged liver and spleen
70. The objective or corrective surgery for removal detachment is to:
a. Aspirate the vitreous humor
b. Create a drainage for aqueous humor
c. Create a scar that adheres the retine to choroid
d. Enlarged liver and spleen
71. Which of the following actions would the nurse take when she observes that
the breakfast served for a patient scheduled for EEG on the same day
consists of a soft boiled egg, toast with butter and jam, orange juice and
a. Remove all the food
b. Remove the coffee
c. Remove toast, butter and jam
d. Remove the orange juice
72. Which of the following diagnosis test is more specific for a patient admitted
with suspected diagnosis of cancer of the colon:
a. Barium meal
b. Gastric analysis
c. Barium anemia
d. Stools examination
73. Which of the following should the nurse evaluate in addition to vital signs
for a patient who underwent an upper GI endoscopy:
a. The return of gag reflex
b. Bowel sounds
c. Breath sounds
d. Intake and output
74. Which of the following position is considered comfortable for a patient
admitted with congestive heart failure complicated by pulmonary edema:
a. Semi sitting (low fowler’s position)
b. Lying on left side (Sim’s position)
c. Sitting nearly upright (high Fowler’position)
d. Lying on her back with her head lowered (Trendelenburg position)
75. The function of the coronary arteries is for:
a. Pump blood into the hearth
b. Pump blood into the aorta
c. Provide potency of heart valves
d. Provide blood to the myocardium
76. Emphysema is best defined by
a. Pus in the pleural cavity
b. Fluid in the pleural cavity
c. Fluid in the lung
d. Enlargement of air space
77. Which one of the following is the most important cause of chronic
a. Continuous exposure to pollutants
b. Smoking
c. Complicated pneumonia
d. Acute bacterial infection of the bronchitis
78. Which of the MOST important principle in the management of underwater
seal drainage:
a. To keep the bottle at a lower level than the patient’s chest
b. Not to clamp the tube unnecessarily
c. To measure the amount of fluid in the bottle
d. To sedate the patient every 3 hours
79. Mr. X., a 25 years old student is admitted to your ward with a spontaneous
pneumothorax. He is rather breathless and anxious; the doctor arranges to
insert an underwater seal drain. The cause for Mr. X breathlessness is that:
a. There will be pressure on the lung
b. Part of the lung has collapsed
c. He is in a shock condition
d. Fluid will be accumulating in the pleural cavity
80. An immediate post operative goal following modified radical mastectomy is
to prevent lymphedema, this can be achieved by:
a. Restricting fluid intake to 1000 cc
b. Elevating the patient’s affected arm on a pillow
c. Administering diuretics before breakfast
Pyelonephritis is likely to develop due to:
a. Low urine acidity
b. Stagnation of urine in renal pelvis
c. Impaired circulation
d. Poor filtration
62. Surgical procedure that involves removal of stones from kidney pelvis is:
a. Nephrolithtomy
b. Cystolithtomy
c. Urethrolithotomy
d. Pyelolithotomy
63. All of the following are typical symptoms of prosthetic hypertrophy
a. Difficulty in urinating
b. Frequency of urination
c. Frequent voiding at night (nocturia)
d. Increase in the size and force of the urinary stream
64. Which of the following diagnostic tests can detect abnormal breast massed
smaller than 1 cm
a. Ultrasound (sonography)
b. Incision biopsy
c. Mammography
d. None of the above
65. One of the symptoms of diabetes mellitus is:
a. Polydipsia
b. Pale, cool skin
c. Anuria
d. Anorexia
66. A patient on insulin therapy who has missed a meal might develop:
a. Hyperglycemic reaction
b. Ketoacidosis
c. Hypoglycemic reaction
d. Lypodysthophy
67. What type of precaution is applied for a patient suspected to have viral
hepatitis with type not yet determined:
a. Enteric, blood and body fluid precautions
b. Blood precaution only
c. Enteric precaution only
d. Respiratory precaution
68. In caring for a patient with Hepatitis A in the acute stage, the nurse must
ensure that the patient is:
a. Having adequate rest
b. Eating large meals
c. Scratching his skin frequently
d. Ambulating outside his room
69. Common early manifestations of hepatitis include:
a. High grade fever
b. Mild flu-like symptoms
c. Severe skin jaundice
d. Enlarged liver and spleen
70. The objective or corrective surgery for removal detachment is to:
a. Aspirate the vitreous humor
b. Create a drainage for aqueous humor
c. Create a scar that adheres the retine to choroid
d. Enlarged liver and spleen
71. Which of the following actions would the nurse take when she observes that
the breakfast served for a patient scheduled for EEG on the same day
consists of a soft boiled egg, toast with butter and jam, orange juice and
a. Remove all the food
b. Remove the coffee
c. Remove toast, butter and jam
d. Remove the orange juice
72. Which of the following diagnosis test is more specific for a patient admitted
with suspected diagnosis of cancer of the colon:
a. Barium meal
b. Gastric analysis
c. Barium anemia
d. Stools examination
73. Which of the following should the nurse evaluate in addition to vital signs
for a patient who underwent an upper GI endoscopy:
a. The return of gag reflex
b. Bowel sounds
c. Breath sounds
d. Intake and output
74. Which of the following position is considered comfortable for a patient
admitted with congestive heart failure complicated by pulmonary edema:
a. Semi sitting (low fowler’s position)
b. Lying on left side (Sim’s position)
c. Sitting nearly upright (high Fowler’position)
d. Lying on her back with her head lowered (Trendelenburg position)
75. The function of the coronary arteries is for:
a. Pump blood into the hearth
b. Pump blood into the aorta
c. Provide potency of heart valves
d. Provide blood to the myocardium
76. Emphysema is best defined by
a. Pus in the pleural cavity
b. Fluid in the pleural cavity
c. Fluid in the lung
d. Enlargement of air space
77. Which one of the following is the most important cause of chronic
a. Continuous exposure to pollutants
b. Smoking
c. Complicated pneumonia
d. Acute bacterial infection of the bronchitis
78. Which of the MOST important principle in the management of underwater
seal drainage:
a. To keep the bottle at a lower level than the patient’s chest
b. Not to clamp the tube unnecessarily
c. To measure the amount of fluid in the bottle
d. To sedate the patient every 3 hours
79. Mr. X., a 25 years old student is admitted to your ward with a spontaneous
pneumothorax. He is rather breathless and anxious; the doctor arranges to
insert an underwater seal drain. The cause for Mr. X breathlessness is that:
a. There will be pressure on the lung
b. Part of the lung has collapsed
c. He is in a shock condition
d. Fluid will be accumulating in the pleural cavity
80. An immediate post operative goal following modified radical mastectomy is
to prevent lymphedema, this can be achieved by:
a. Restricting fluid intake to 1000 cc
b. Elevating the patient’s affected arm on a pillow
c. Administering diuretics before breakfast